Ammonium Acetate Lab Report

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From the table above, one may see all of the ammonium salts have undergo haemolysis whereas none of the three sodium salts have gone through that stages of swelling and bursting. The solutions in which erythrocyte do not experiencing lysis other than sodium salts are: glucose and glycerol. Hence, one may assume these solutions do not contain penetrating molecules or the solutions are actually isoosmotic, where the osmotic pressure outside is equal to the inside cell which then resulted no movement of water molecules between the cell membrane. The rate of haemolysis can be arranged in an order as seen in Figure 1 below: 4. DISCUSSION Penetrating molecules are molecules that can cause change in cell volume in such way that the solute…show more content…
These molecules must Ammonium Acetate (C₂H₃O₂NH₄) has a non-polar hydrocarbon group, and a weak bond causing disassociation of ions faster and be able to cross the membrane. Ammonium acetate has faster rate than Ammonium oxalate (C₂H₈N₂O₄) because ammonium acetate has simple structure and a shorter chain. Ammonium chloride (NH₄CL) took a longer time to become clear because the compound has strong hydrogen bonds compared to the previous two solutions, hence take longer time to disassociate the compound into ions. From the table above, one may see all of the ammonium salts have undergo haemolysis whereas none of the three sodium salts have gone through that stages of swelling and bursting. The solutions in which erythrocyte do not experiencing lysis other than sodium salts are: glucose and glycerol. Hence, one may assume these solutions do not contain penetrating molecules or the solutions are actually isoosmotic, where the osmotic pressure outside is equal to the inside cell which then resulted no movement of water molecules between the cell membrane. The rate of haemolysis can be arranged in an order as seen in Figure 1 below: 4.…show more content…
There are various elements that can determine whether the molecules can passes through the cell membrane by its own, or needed assistance or cannot passes through at all. For example, water is a polar molecule which causes it to be insoluble in lipids. As a result, water is less permeable since the outer later of cell membrane is hydrophobic, only attracts non-polar molecules. However, one factor to consider is the small size of water molecules, M=18. Hence allowing water molecules to easily cross the cell membrane. So, it is important to look for the possibly of molecules being able to enter cell membrane with the three factors as a

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