The Benefits Of Biomass

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Biomass The Biofuels Association of Australia has in its conference; A new energy for biofuel in Sydney on the 31th of October 2013 defined biomass as follows “Biomass is the term used for the biological material from living or recently living organisms such as wood, waste materials, gases and alcohol fuels. Biomass is commonly plant matter that is specifically grown in order to produce electricity or to produce heat.” Biomass normally consists of carbon, hydrogen and oxygen but at times there nitrogen and other small quantities of other elements and compounds such as heavy metals and alkali may also be part of its composition. It should be noted that biomass does comprises of organic materials such as fossil fuels even though it biomass…show more content…
The chloropyll in the plant capture energy from the sun and convert carbon dioxide and water into carbohydrates which are consisted of carbon, hydrogen and water. Upon combustion, the carbohydrates are converted back to carbon dioxide and water and the plants release the energy they have captured from the sun. biomass shall last indefinitely and provide sources of low-carbon energy as long as biomass is produced sustainably while meeting current energy needs without decreasing resources or the land surface area to re-grow biomass and recapture carbon dioxide. Types of biomasses There are various types of biomasses which come from a wide range of raw materials. All of these biomasses can be used for fuel production however conversion technologies differ. The various major categories of biomasses are as…show more content…
Many food materials are processed at some stage to remove inedible components such as peel/skin, shells, husks, cores, pips/stones, fish heads, pulp from juice and oil extraction, etc. Manufactured foods and drinks, including beer, whisky and wine, and cheese and other dairy products generate large quantities of organic wastes. There are up to 92% of ingredients used in brewing ultimately become waste, principally spent grains, and the dairy industry uses around 40 million m3 of water annually, mainly for cleaning, which produces effluent containing high levels of organic residues. Food preparation on both the commercial and domestic scale generates residues and waste, used cooking oils and food that has had to be disposed of because it has gone bad, for health and safety reasons or because it is surplus to

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