Career Interest Inventory Assignment

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1.0 Introduction As the saying goes, ‘choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life ’, some people simply have jobs, while others have careers (Federal Student Aid, 2015). The biggest difference between a job and a career is how well they integrate with the rest of your life (Kennedy,2013). Minnesota State Colleges and Universities (2017) has defined career as career path which you need to think about how you can grow in your job, or move into another job. Once you give some thought to your interests and passions, you will be able to narrow down your career options (Federal Student Aid, 2015). For some people, an interest is of such importance in their life that it is the main influence on their career choice (Woodcock,…show more content…
The body of the essay will be divided into four different parts which are the profile and background of the student, administration of the inventory and interview, discussion of the findings as well as assistance for the student. 2.0 Profile and background of student My respondent is a 12 years old Malay girl, known as Aza. She is studying in one of the national primary schools in Petaling Jaya. She has 4 brothers and one younger sister. She is the fifth child of her family. Her father works at the factory whereas her mother is unemployed. Her oldest brothers has been worked too and her younger sister is a standard 4 student which studying in the same school. 3.0 Administration of the Inventories and…show more content…
Those who are investigator will have more interest in discovering, researching ideas, and investigating (Careers New Zealand, 2012). The careers listed under this theme are medical and health occupations, chemist as well as Maths and Science teacher. In addition, Aza has also scored realistic as her second dominant theme which shows that she likes to work mainly with her hands, making, fixing, assembling and building things (Careers New Zealand, 2012). She probably choose engineer, horticulturist or mechanics as her preferable career. Besides, her score in conventional also depicts that she likes to work at tasks that involves organizing, being accurate, and working with data and numbers (Careers New Zealand, 2012). Trait Menolong/ Helpful Wawasan/ Vision Score 10 10 Figure 2: Scores from the personality inventory form Moreover, her result of the personality inventory indicates that Aza scored the highest trait for both helpful and vision. From this, it illustrates her personality as a considerate person and loves to help others. She also has her own vision and mission of her

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