My Career Goals

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As a first-generation college student emerging from a low income Hispanic family, it is imperative that I obtain a college degree in order to set an example for my siblings, make my parents proud, give back to the community and not be a statistic. These are the fundamental drivers that motivate me every morning to excel in my studies and achieve the goals I have set forth. Two things that I consider to be the most important in life are family and religion. I have had the privilege to grow up with very supportive parents and a younger sister, which has led us to be very close. My parents emigrated to this country without speaking the English language and no prior education. Now, I have the opportunity to be the first person in my family to…show more content…
When I was looking at different career paths, I wanted a career that meaningful work, leisure time, money and security which is identical to Joanne Ciulla’s four values that shape our work decisions. Money and security were part of my decision making because as Maslow’s hierarchy of needs suggests, I believe that it is necessary to satisfy the basic human needs such as food, shelter and clothing. After analyzing various career paths, I decided to pursue the accounting profession. Accountants are always in demand, even in economic turmoil and the employment in the field is expected to grow well into the future. Through the various courses that I have taken, I have learned about the importance of ethics in the business world and through this profession, I am helping investors and creditors make sound decisions by making sure that financial information provided by corporations is accurate. By doing my part, I’m making sure the interests of the stakeholders are protected. I am close at achieving my goal at an accounting firm. I have been fortunate to have been offered a summer internship at Ernst & Young. My plan is to complete the internship, pick a service line, obtain a full-time position, pass the CPA exam and begin my career with the firm. Eventually, after gaining experience, my long-term plan is to open my own tax
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