Career Action Plan Essay Examples

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Career Action Plan A Career action plan helps the individual in obtaining career goals, by identifying individual skills, goals and interests to reflect our increased career development. Where am I now? I am doing my final year Bachelor of Science (Majors in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology) Working part time at 7- Eleven Volunteering at mater Hospital Brisbane Short Term Goals Midterm goals(2-5years) Long term goals Secure a position with opportunity for progression on demonstration of ability Doing Masters or Honors which make me develop in to a senior role. Support family situation Confirm commitment to long term relationships. What do I know about myself? I have obtained skills from my School, University and Work. They are…show more content…
I am interested to work in Pathology lab at hospitals or Pharmaceutical drug companies. To fit in this job employers, look for people with Interpersonal skills, leadership skills, learning skills, analytical skills, presentation skills, writing skills, confidentiality, team work, critical thinking, working independently. What skills to improve to match my employer’s expectation? I should improve my Language skills according to Australian standard, , presentation skills, critical thinking skills to be competitive in my work field and to suit the Australian standard of working. Where can I get help to match my employer’s expectation? I can get help from career advisors, my lecturers, student success advisor, by attending career workshops. What steps have I taken to improve my skills? • I am attending presentation workshops, few drop in presentation sessions web-based training to improve my presentation skills and critical thinking. • Speaking to relevant staff to get feedback on my writing skills. • I have a LinkedIn profile which exhibits my skills and qualities. • I am Volunteering at Mater hospital Brisbane to get some experience to work in a corporate
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