Most Unforgettable Day In My Life

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Feature Writing May 6, 2015 is the most unforgettable day in my life. The day that I have given a second chance to change my history in the competition of the Survivor: Cambodia. 15 years ago I was in Borneo, the first season of the Survivor Competition and I almost won. Unfortunately, by one vote I fail to win a million dollar cash prize. In the Survivor: Borneo, I have learned how to survive and the importance to have good alliances. I watched people betray each other just because of the rewards or immunity in order to escape from the elimination. The first season consists of a cheery single mom, a brassy lady truck driver, elderly Navy SEAL, a gay corporate trainer and twelve other "normal" Americans that allows for some really interesting interactions and conflicts. Meanwhile, this season consists of the 20 past players that had no chance to win and the returning players have no qualms about backstabbing each other to win. They have something to prove and they’ll go for it including…show more content…
Meanwhile, challenges can be played for immunity or rewards. In the episode ‘We Got a Rat’ and ‘What’s the Beef’ my team which is Bayon managed to win the immunity and get a lot of advantage from it. My experience in the survivor taught me about teamwork. Teamwork is very important in order to win the challenges, because it can enable smoother the movement of the teams and encourage the members to overcome the obstacles. The 31st season of Survivor: Cambodia becomes my history; again I lost the opportunity to win $1,000,000 and the title of Sole Survivor. Both in the Survivor: Borneo and Survivor: Cambodia I won the title of runner-up which is the second place. But, in this season when I fail to become a winner, the disappointed feeling is no longer I felt. This is because I know I have played my best and able to prove to the audience and to myself that I deserve a second chance even I lost the

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