Moral Reflection

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This lesson Ms Lee drew up a scale (from okay to not okay) on the whiteboard and asked us a few questions to see where we would stand on some very big issues. Some of the questions were things like “if rape was legal, does that make it okay?” to which there was a resounding no, to questions like “if a man’s wife was dying and he couldn’t afford a drug that could save her, would it be okay for him to steal it?” to which there were mixed views. The latter question was about Heinz dilemma, which we then watched a video about. After watching the video and gaining a clearer understanding of the situation, we discussed our thoughts on the different options and how those related to Kohlberg’s stages of moral development (pre-conventional, conventional,…show more content…
These influences on our lives help shape who we are and what decisions we make. This knowledge tells us what is moral and/or ethical and affects the way we see the world and others. Reflection One of the things I learned from this lesson was that not everybody has the same view on what is right and what is wrong all the time. There is a huge moral grey area and the choices we would make depend as much on the situation as it does on personal belief. Another was about Kohlberg’s different stages and what they mean in practice – as well as the fact that most adults do not make it to the post-conventional stage, which I found surprising. Thirdly, I learned that more often than not with philosophy there is no right answer, which is why questions such as these are so difficult to come up with solutions to. One question I have is how can people who have lived such similar lives or were brought up with the same beliefs still have differing views on some ethical decisions? And that people who have come from completely different backgrounds from all around the world can agree on these moral choices? I suppose it comes down to the human brain or personal belief, but it is just

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