Rho Fraternity Case Study

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1. Why do you want to be a Rho Gamma and what characteristics do you embody that are relevant to this position? I want to be a Rho Gamma because I feel like it is a good way to change the lives of a group of individuals in a big way. I think that being there for these New Members in the Greek Community. I think some characteristics I have that would help me in this position would be organized, hardworking, passionate about learning new things but also making new experience to better not only myself but others around me. I think that seeing recruitment from the other side would be a wonderful experience especially after participating in the recruitment process from the chapter perspective. I think another reason I would love to be a Rho Gamma is to keep the PNMs positive and passionate about finding their home away from home like I did with my sisters. 2. List all past…show more content…
Disaffiliation is critical to the success of recruitment for the Potential New Members. What does disaffiliation mean to you? How do you feel about disaffiliation? How would you hold your fellow Rho Gammas accountable for disaffiliation? Disaffiliation includes being able to separate yourself with a particular group for a period of time for a positive impact on your life. This could be a more physical thing, or it could also be a more digital change. I think that disaffiliation is a process and step that I would be willing to take in order to help be there for the potential new members. I think a way I would hold my fellow Rho Gammas accountable with disaffiliating with their chapters by providing them with personal support and forming a close-knit relationship with them to help us all get through the process together. 4. How do you handle tasks when there are multiple situations to manage at one time. Describe a specific time. How did you handle the issue? Would you have done anything differently? (This question can be applied to school, employment, interactions with friends and family,

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