Why Do We Study Art Essay

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To my point of view, I strongly believe that anybody who wants to understand different peoples and cultures of the world and of our history surely must study art history. Art is the way we can know more about ourselves, with all cultures being facets of our own diamond, our own existence. When we really consider the depths of a painting or the curves of a sculpture, in a straight manner, we see the artist's time and reality, as if a small part of us is sent back to their time and place. The same ability to understand may be felt plunging our senses into any art from any period. The experience of a culture's art gives us permission to experience some of that culture with the same faculty of attaining direct knowledge and emotions that our ancestors did. It causes astonishment, to study the art of ancient cultures such as the Greeks and Romans. These people had a high culture and we know a great deal about what they held. We know the stories of their spiritual faiths, achievement and failures of their leaders, their family lives, and their donation to modern society. Most of what we know about them comes from their paintings, sculptures, and writing. According to Khan Academy's website. "learn to identify the classical orders and you will never look at your…show more content…
We see war and economics, but we also see common human themes of love, curiosity, beauty, and the natural world. We see the evolution of art as a manifesto of ideas and dreams, particularly in focus in the past century, and we look at paintings that are not realistic at all with new eyes, a sixth sense instinctively attracted to art's enhanced, multi-layered version of reality. Impressions of landscapes imprint themselves upon our imaginations. Our world view is preserved through both old and new art, and our cherishing the knowledge of cultures and

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