Harmful Effects Of Gossip

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Christian morality, also known as Christian ethics, is a branch of theology that tells a person between right and wrong. Being a Christian gives a person a certain sense of identity that they belong to a group of people bound together by one common belief. Christians mostly get their moral ideals from the Bible because according to them, that is the answer to basically everything. Being born and raised in that Christian community helps them answer those big questions in life such as: ‘Why should I respect my parents?’, ‘Why should I save myself for marriage?’, ‘Why is gossiping considered morally wrong?’, or ‘Does all this do-good attitude get me anywhere in the end?’. The morals that Christians are raised with makes it easier to answer these…show more content…
Some people believe that there are good side effects of gossip. Robin Dunbar, a former professor at the University of Liverpool, states that “Analyses of freely forming conversations indicate that approximately two thirds of conversation time is devoted to social topics, most of which can be given the generic label of gossip”(100). Gossip has seemed to gather a rather shady reputation, because it has mostly been used for all the wrong reasons. So lastly, gossip can be good when used in the correct context, but bad gossip is against the moral law for Christians. The bible talks about how this type of sin on the tongue is disgraceful to God and shouldn’t be…show more content…
Well, to a Christian these views are their whole life, and they use these morals to live their lives for Jesus. The biggest moral they follow, and probably the most broken one is “Love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your strength, and with all your mind and to love your neighbor as yourself” (Luke 10:27). This moral acts as a catch all because basically every sin someone could ever commit falls under this law. “The moral code of Christianity is important to live a fulfilling life. It is a life of obedience in following the Word to live a life in such a way that carries moral standards
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