Research Epistemology: Case Study

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9.1. Research Epistemology The researcher should concerns what constitutes acceptable knowledge in a field of study (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2012, P.136).In this research study is to evaluate the relationship between two market strategies base on existing theories and case study, therefore, the realism has been selected which assumes a scientific approach to the development of knowledge. Moreover, there is two type of realism, direct realism and critical realism, the latter one will be conducted. Comparing this two type of realism suggest that there are no mental processing for direct realism after the thing itself and the sensation it conveys and the world is relatively unchanging, however, the critical realism acknowledges the importance…show more content…
Analyzing the research finding to generates the recommendation for Hyatt loyalty program which means from the specific to the general is the inductive…show more content…
In this research study, the researcher wishes to gain a rich understanding of the relationship between the relationship marketing and loyalty program forcing on the Grand Hyatt Guangzhou, and the process within customer retention and Hyatt gold passport. Focus on relationship and process, the case study approach works well here because it offers more chance than the survey approach of going into sufficient detail to unravel the complexities of a given situation(Denscombe, 2010, P.53). A single case study will be chosen, the Hyatt gold passport is a typical example and provided the researcher an opportunity to observe and analyze the phenomenon (Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2012, P.179). A well-constructed case study strategy can enable the author to challenge an existing theory and also provide a source of the new research question(Saunders, Lewis and Thornhill, 2012), so it can evidence that the mixed approached should be applied in the

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