Microsoft Office Case Study

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Is Microsoft Office the best office suite in the software market? Almost everyone uses Microsoft Office in Windows operating system to write a CV, a letter, a report, to make spreadsheets or presentations, etc. So what makes it the most known and used in the software market; is it the best office suite although there are many free alternative office applications that provide equivalent features? Actually, Microsoft Office is all the time up to date, integrates ideally with Windows operating system in terms of design, and its applications are the richest in tools and features. First of all, Microsoft Office is all the time kept up to date by its editor. It is good to know that its publisher is Microsoft, a renowned company that has a long…show more content…
Even better, It is often innovative in the production of new concepts and tools. The list is long, but let's just take the best features that directly affect the user experience and significantly improve his productivity. Ohlhorst (2010) counts “PowerPoint Broadcast and the new video and image editing features among the most impressive, while Sparklines and PowerPivot for Excel are also big productivity boosters. Most users will notice the new Ribbon and Backstage Views, and Outlook's Conversation Views get my vote as most improved” (para. 4). So, among the best features that we cannot find in any other office suite, there are the very rich and harmonious ribbon on the top of the workspace, the mini toolbar that provides the most common commands at a click of the mouse, the live review of formatting and style changes, the diagonal borders in Word tables, the flash fill and the sparklines graphics in Excel spreadsheets. One can say that all these features are not free and even that this office suite is rather expensive; Yes, it is probably true; however, Microsoft Office is a product of good quality, and quality has a cost, hasn't it? In conclusion, although there are many office suites that provide good features with some of them free and certainly have their own advantages, Microsoft Office remains the best office suite in the software market. This office suite benefits from notables advantages: its continuous updates and enhancement, its smooth integration with Windows interface, and its huge own tools and features. So, when we talk about user experience and productivity, it is definitely the best tool so

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