Electronic Medical Record Case Study

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DESIGN AND IMPLEMENTATION OF A WEB-BASED E-MEDICAL RECORD SYSTEM (A CASE STUDY OF FEDERAL MEDICAL CENTRE, LOKOJA) Oluwatoyin L. Ofusori C/o National Open University, School of Science and Technology, Lokoja study centre. Kogi State. Nigeria lizzyofusori@yahoo.co.uk Umoru Jacob O. Department of Computer Science, Federal College of Education, Okene, Kogi State. Nigeria jacobumoru2004@yahoo.com Prof. Bamidele Oluwade Department of Computer Science, Lead City University, Ibadan. Oyo State, Nigeria. bamideleoluwade@computer.org Abstract Manual keeping of patients’ medical records, time spent in organizing the files, lack of security measures to protect the files from unauthorized access, inability to retrieved records if lost, multiple cards being allocated to patients etc. have caused health care providers to seek ways in improving efficiency, while striking a balance with the quality of services offered. This research work examines the importance of Electronic Medical Record in tackling…show more content…
Robin (2011) observed that if the software from one office is incompatible with that from another office, the EMR system will not function as intended. He further explained that electronic medical records do not always offer enough flexibility in recording personal observations on a patient. Adetokunbo (2005) concurred that the health care situation in Sub Saharan Africa is made worse because, “African countries have a very low density health workforce, compounded by poor skill mix and inadequate investment” (p. 1037). The Nigerian government also needs to provide stable electricity, basic communication infrastructures, and Internet access to boost private initiatives in adoption of information technology across the country (Ayo et al.,

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