Micro Sociological Analysis

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1. What is micro sociological anabasis? Please briefly explain two perspectives within microsociology. In sociology terms, Microsociology is referring to the dealing with how individuals initiate and respond to various societal environments, conditions, and interactions. Sociology, as an area of study, involves analysis of the social interactions and processes of an entire society, as well as those of each individual member of that society. Macro sociology is the term that can be used to define the social processes of an entire society, as a whole. According to (Durkheim Ian pg. 28), “Micro Sociology focused on the social system as a whole, its functional requirements”. Micro Sociology Analysis is work that’s used to define social processes…show more content…
Just as humans are shaped by the social system in which they act, the micro sociologists emphasized that the social system was also a human creation.” Briefly micro sociology is the small scale that it’s used study of human behavior and the reasons behind certain behavioral choices, and how various biological and psychological factors affect the interactions of the individual. This is one of the main focuses of this subspecialty. Another perspective within Micro Sociology is face to face interaction of humans, which is a study that study in depth of people relationship, conversation, interactions, and gestures. One other important of Micro Sociology is the live is experience. According to the author on page 29, this approach focuses on “the way that human agents experience regularized patterns of social interaction and how they support them in both big and small ways”. The trade of symbols allows us to form solidarity with others by giving us the opportunity to come to a common definitely of the…show more content…
Social Exchange Theory is also analyzed by comparing human interactions with the marketplace. The study of the theory from the microeconomics perspective is attributed to George C. Humans. In his perspective every individual is trying to maximize his wins. He stated that once this concept is understood, it is possible to observe social exchanges everywhere, not only in market relations, but also in other social relations like friendship. He uses this example to illustrate his message. One the example he use with the pigeon, he stated that “we may look on the pigeon as engaged in an exchange pecks for corn with the psychologist, but let us not dwell upon that, for the behavior of the pigeon hardly determines the behavior of the psychologist at all”. We have to really consider all different perspective before making a decision or judgment. Social exchange process brings satisfaction when people receive fair returns for their expenditures. The major difference between social and economic exchange is the nature of the exchange between parties. The economic theory views the actor as dealing not with another actor but with a market and environmental parameters, such as market price. Social exchanges basically involve a connection with another person involve trust and not legal
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