Swot Analysis Walgreens

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Support Activities: Support activities are part of the value chain and “provides inputs that allow the primary activities to take place (Hill Jones 93). Support activities are further broken down into four functions and they include “materials management (or logistics), human resources, information systems, and company infrastructure” (Hill Jones 93). Materials Management: Because Walgreens does not produce any of its own good their materials management isn’t very complex. They are however the industry leader in the freight supply chain. By creating a way to optimize routes for their distribution Walgreens received the 2012 SmartWay excellence award. The company also uses TAGG logistics to fulfill and distribute products to the Walgreens stores throughout the nation. All…show more content…
Strengths: • Industry leader in freight supply chain Human Resource Management: Kathleen Wilson-Thompson is the chief human resources officer in charge of HR at Walgreens. One of the questions she was forced to ask herself is “How do we build a new HR team that’s going to drive programs and initiatives that touch all of our people?”(Patch). In order to answer this question the company began doing listening tours and virtual meetings with team members allowing them to ask any questions and air any concerns they may have. The ideas generated would be used to create solutions to the many different challenges they face as well as allow managers to build action plans and track them. In addition to the meetings every manager is required to check in with HR as a part of the annual performance management process. Other things that have been introduced are pay for performance incentives which helps accountability among staff and drives goals and goal setting. She has created a HR business partner model which puts an HR generalist within a specific division of the company

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