Sociology Of Terrorism Analysis

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Hudsun A Rex (September 1999) – The sociology and psychology of terrorism: who becomes a terrorist and why? in this report according to author there are many approaches to terrorism analysis some of them as follow, The Multi-causal Approach, Political Approach, Organizational Approach, Physiological Approach and Psychological Approach. Terrorism generally results from several causal factors—not only psychological but also economic, political, religious, and sociological factors, among others. There is even a hypothesis that it is caused by physiological factors, as discuss below. Because terrorism is a multi connecting phenomenon, it would be simplistic and flawed to explain an act of terrorism by a single cause, such as the psychological…show more content…
Thanks to media coverage, the methods, demands, and goals of terrorists are rapidly made known to potential terrorists, who may be inspired to replicate them upon becoming stirred by media accounts of terrorist acts. The transmission of terrorism from one place to another received scholarly attention in the early 1980s. David G. Hubbard (1983) takes a physiological approach to analyzing the causes of terrorism. He discusses three substances formed in the body under stress: nor epinephrine, a compound produced by the adrenal gland and concerned nerve endings and associated with the “fight or flight” (see Glossary) physiological retort of individuals in stressful situations; acetylcholine, which is produced by the parasympathetic nerve endings and acts to dampen the accelerate nor epinephrine response; and endorphins, which increase in the brain as a response to stress and “narcotize” the brain, being 100 times more influential than morphine. Since these substances occur in the terrorist, Hubbard concludes that greatly terrorist violence is rooted not in the psychology but in the physiology of the terrorist, partly the result of “stereotyped, agitated tissue response” to stress. Hubbard’s conclusion suggests a possible justification for the spread of terrorism, the so-called infection effect. Kent Layne Oots and Thomas C. Wiegele (1985) have also projected a model of terrorist contagion based on physiology. Their models demonstrate that the psychological state of the prospective terrorist has significant implications for the constancy of society. In their analysis, because potential terrorists become arouse in a violence-accepting way by media presentation of terrorism, “Terrorists must, by the nature of their actions, have an attitude which allows violence.” One of these attitudes, they

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