Metacognitive Assessment

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The breakdown of metacognition into two separate categories known as metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive regulation and then the continued breakdown of those categories into further groups. Giving examples of both cognitive strategies and metacognitive strategies. Describing the fundamental role intelligence plays on metacognition and the numerous theories behind the idea that metacognition and intelligence go hand in hand. Why metacognitive strategies have been beneficial in the educational field and how continued research on this topic would assist the teaching community. Key words: Metacognition, metacognitive knowledge, metacognitive regulation, intelligence. An Overview of Metacognitive Regulation The word metacognitive can…show more content…
" This higher-level cognition was given the label metacognition by American developmental psychologist John Flavell" (Flavell, 1979). Examples of metacognition include, but are not limited to, when a person becomes aware of his or her own biases in judging others, when a person learns about his or her own style of learning, when a person learns about what mechanism helps them remember facts, events, info. etc., and when a person learns what strategies are the most effective in solving specific problems. The difference between metacognitive strategies and cognitive strategies may not seem apparent at first. "Cognitive strategies are used to help an individual achieve a particular goal (e.g., understanding a text) while metacognitive strategies are used to ensure that the goal has been reached (e.g., quizzing oneself to evaluate one's understanding of that text)." (Livingston, 2003). Some examples of cognitive strategies are algorithms in mathematics because they provide a series of step that help solve a problem. If an individual is attentive to these steps then they will get a successful…show more content…
In other words, it is the general knowledge about how human beings learn and process information; this includes individual knowledge about one's own learning strategies. An example of metacognitive knowledge would be if one understood that multiple choice tests only involve the identification of the correct answer; unlike essay questions which involve the actual recollection of the data. Knowing this would then prompt the student to study the material

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