Miller's Pyramid Case Study

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This assessment uses the Miller’s pyramid to test whether the student knows various aspects about poisoning and knows how to manage a patient with poisoning. In this assessment I will be assessing the cognitive domain of students which will include the recall or recognition of specific facts, procedural patterns and concepts (Bloom, 1956). I have designed few short answer questions to assess whether students would be able to achieve the learning outcomes of my lecture on poisoning. According to Harden RM (2002) “Learning outcomes are broad statements of what is achieved and assessed at the end of a course of study”. Learning outcomes for the session of poisoning: At the end of the session the student should be able to: 1. Recognize the symptoms…show more content…
This will give us the Face validity which is usually a general judgment on how the assessment appears at face value. Although face validity is weak evidence but is also important in an assessment as it motivates the students to perform well. (Phelam. C. & Wren, J. 2005). Content Validity- when an assessment assesses students for the content area of intended learning, i.e the learning outcomes and it shows the link between the learning objectives and outcomes, it is considered that the assessment has good content validity. It is important to have a good content validity as it reflects a student has achieved what he was supposed to learn. Concurrent validity- is a type of validity that can be used to defend the use of a test for predicting other outcomes. When a test correlates well with a measure that has previously been validated concurrent validity is demonstrated. The two measures may be for the same construct, but more often used for different, but presumably related, constructs. If a student’s score in two different sets of assessment taken on different times are almost similar, it is said to have a good concurrent validity.

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