Importance Of Delphi Method

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THEOReTICAL FOUNDATION Methodology Delphi Process. The Delphi method is a modification of brain writing and survey techniques. In this method, panels are used in the communication movement through several questionnaires contained in the paper. The Delphi method, developed by Dalkey and Helmer at Rand Corporation in the 1950s, is a widely used and accepted method for achieving the convergence of opinions requested from experts in a particular topic area. The object of this method is to obtain the most reliable consensus from an expert group. The Delphi Method seeks to achieve a consensus among group members through a series of questionnaires. Figure 1.Communication Structure Delphi Method The goal of Delphi's technique is to develop a future…show more content…
Round 1: In the first round, the Delphi process traditionally begins with an open-ended questionnaire. The open-ended questionnaire serves as the cornerstone of soliciting specific information about a content area from the Delphi subjects. [4].After receiving subjects responses, investigators need to convert the collected information into a well-structured questionnaire. This questionnaire is used as the survey instrument for the second round of data collection. It should be noted that it is both an acceptable and a common modification of the Delphi process format to use a structured questionnaire…show more content…
Accordingly, Delphi panelists may be required to rate or "rank-order items to establish preliminary priorities among items. As a result of round two, areas of disagreement and agreement are identified" [6]. In some cases, Delphi panelists are asked to state the rationale concerning rating priorities among items [7]. In this round, consensus begins forming and the actual outcomes can be presented among the participants' responses. Round 3: In the third round, each Delphi panelist receives a questionnaire that includes the items and ratings summarized by the investigators in the previous round and are asked to revise his/her judgments or "to specify the reasons for remaining outside the consensus" This round gives Delphi panelists an opportunity to make further clarifications of both the information and their judgments of the relative importance of the items. However, compared to the previous round, only a slight increase in the degree of consensus can be expected. [8]; [9];

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