Meta Analysis In Research Studies

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Meta-analysis is a statistical technique to combine the results of several studies that address a set of related research hypotheses. Meta-analysis extends beyond a standard literature review by analyzing and synthesizing the results of multiple studies in a statistical manner (Kuik et al. 2009). According to Cooper (2016), generally, a meta-analysis is carried out following seven steps: 1) Formulating the problem. The variables involved should be given both abstract and operational definition. The concepts or interventions of the study should be considered. The research evidence relevant (or irrelevant) to the problem or hypothesis should be determined. The goal of the meta-analysis should also be decided. The typical goals of a meta-analysis…show more content…
It involves making a choice of the elements that will be the target of the study. In primary social science research, the target can be human individuals or groups. In research synthesis, it is more complex because you want to make inferences about two targets. The cumulative result reflecting the results of all previous researches should be covered. Then, the included studies should also allow generalizations to the individuals or groups of the topic area. 3) Gathering information from studies. This is a coding stage that requires researchers to consider what information they want to gather from each research. In primary research, questionnaires, behavior observations, and physiological measures can be used as data-gathering instruments. In research synthesis, it includes the information relevant to the problem of interest. The information should include not only the characteristics of the studies (nature of independent and dependent variables), but also how studies were carried out, the research design, implementation, and statistical…show more content…
This is the step that researches interpret the cumulative evidence and determine the conclusions. The conclusions can either be the relationships or the generality. 7) Presenting the results. The final step is creating a public document describing the investigation and conclusions. Section 错误!未找到引用源。 will list some historical meta-analysis for SCC estimates. And the rest part of this chapter describes how the steps mentioned above were followed in this meta-analysis. The approach of data collection and analysis is based on the Meta-Analysis of Economics Research Reporting Guidelines (Stanley et al. 2013). Several attempts have been made to synthesize the information on SCC estimates. The first comprehensive meta-analysis on this topic collects 103 SCC estimates gathered from 28 studies (Tol 2005b). By combing the estimates to a probability density function, a mean of 93 $/tC and a median of 14 $/tC were obtained. He also concluded that a lower discount rate, utilizing equity weighting and non-peer-reviewed literatures led to higher SCC

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