Natural Law Theory In International Law

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Chapter 3: Jurisprudential Study To understand any concept the most important way is to know how the Jurists and theorists have given their views and inputs on that concept and this would provide us with better clarity and understanding of the concept. Numerous theorists have endeavoured to define the Human Rights in different terms. Some of the most significant definitions are: Richard Wassertrom: "One should have the capacity to claim as entitlements (i.e. as Human Rights) those negligible things without which it is difficult to develop one’s capacities and to have life as human being". Tiber Macham: "Human Rights are all inclusive and irreversible components in a plan of equity. Likewise, equity is the essential good righteousness…show more content…
Thomas Hobbes (1588 – 1679), John Locke (1632 – 1704) and Jean-Jacques Rousseau (1712 – 1778) are the three principle scholars who built up the Natural Rights theory. Thomas Hobbes was the first champion of the theory of 'common rights'. In his commended book, 'Leviathan', he supported that no individual could ever be denied of the privilege to life, which he enjoyed in the state of nature. He affirmed that all people are equivalent, without any consideration. John Locke added to the idea further in his book, 'Two Treatises Government.' He contended that each individual has a natural right to life, personal liberty, and property, and that no legislative power has force to deny people of these rights in light of the fact that they had appreciated them even before the making of the common or political…show more content…
A moral theory of natural law perceives that all people have the ability to comprehend basic moral obligations. It presupposes the capacity of everybody to comprehend the basic aspects of morality paying little mind to their race, color or culture. An alternate vital assumption of the theory identifies with relevance of the basic necessities of morality to everyone, regardless of what their race, creed or culture

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