Positivism Theory

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The purpose of this paper is to provide the review on the presentation based on the concept of positivism by Turner. This paper is not only reviewing the presentation but also the providing the understanding on the selected topic while comparing it with other researcher’s perspectives. Moreover, the paper is also reflecting the implications of the presentation and other researcher on the research practices. Discussion on Concept of Positivism The article as presented in the presentation is reflecting the important themes of the selected article of Turner. It states that the concept of positivism holds certain important characteristics claiming the disclosure of causal relationships between the variables. Another main feature of the article…show more content…
On the other hand, Berg (1989) has reflected the concept of positivism in the aspects of organisational and management theories and practices. The author has provided that the social and cultural changes in the society have the impact on managing organisation due to the focus on the changing technicalities and economics for the organisations. It can be said that the concept of Turner for the implementation of positivism has been implemented in the domain of organisations and management by the Berg (Turner, 1985; Berg, 1989). On the other hand, Donaldson (2003) has provided the implementation of positivism on the postmodernism while reflecting the understanding based on the positive force leading to the creativity of new developments. The breakthroughs by the postmodernism are differentiated without inspiring results from the study of such…show more content…
The author has used the concept of positivism for comparing the criteriology for the management researches. On the other hand, Morgan and Smircich (1980) has provided the understanding of positivism while emphasising on the analysis of relationships within the social world. This understanding has given rise to the concept of positivism for gaining the objective form of knowledge specifying the nature of laws ad relationships. Cunliffe (2010) has provided that the concept of positivism is obtained through the implementation of objectivism and such assumptions influence the qualitative or qualitative focus of the research studies. Fielding (2009) reflected the fact that triangulation of social science is developed in the aspects of psychology while being the prominent theory of the methods associated with the post-positivism. It is important to note that the Turner claimed world is perceived and constructed individually. It is compared with the other studies used for the comparison of the concept in different domains. The article has stated that there is no importance about the logic behind the sense of things producing the sense of impressions (Turner, 1985; CUNLIFFE,
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