Literature Review On Motivational Interviewing

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Literature Review - Draft The purpose of this paper is to compare three empirical research studies. These three studies are classified into articles: Article 1) Testing the Effectiveness of Motivational Interviewing as a Weight Reduction Strategy for Obese Cardiac Patients: A Pilot Study by Low, Giasson, Connors, Freeman, & Weiss (2013), Article 2) Motivational Interviewing to Improve Weight Loss in Overweight and/or Obese Patients: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials by Armstrong, Ronksley, Sigal, Campbell, & Hemmelgarn, (2011), Article 3) Motivational Interviewing as a Smoking Cessation With Nurses: An Exploratory Randomized Controlled Trial by Mujika, Forbes, Canga, De Irala, Serrano, Gasco, & Edwards (2014).…show more content…
Article 2 asked the questions whether motivational interviewing is effective for weight-loss interventions in managing obesity, is motivational interviewing consistent with patient centered approach in healthcare wherein a partnership between provider and patient occur, does motivational interviewing provide a means for providers to work with patient who are hesitant to lifestyle modification and change, and is motivational interviewing effective in weight management alongside with other interventions (Armstrong, Ronksley, Sigal, Campbell, & Hemmelgarn, 2011). Article 3 presented the following hypotheses that motivational interviewing is a strategy that can be used in resolving cognitive dissonance, that there is uniqueness in the behavior of nurses as healthcare professionals that would need a different approach besides motivational interviewing, and that there is cognitive difference in the nurse population that is particular to their smoking behavior (Mujika et al.,…show more content…
There were 26 female and 30 male cardiac patients. Out of the 56 there were 38 assigned to the motivational interviewing group and 18 were enrolled in the nutrition and education group (Low, et al, 2012). Article 2 had two reviewers that performed independent researches and systematic review, utilizing a set protocol in agreement with standardized reporting guidelines. They have used MEDLINE, EMBASE, PsychINFO and Cumulative Index to Nursing and Allied Health (CINAHL). The criteria included overweight or obese adults with > 25.0 kg Body Mass Index (BMI), groups which utilized motivational interviewing while others did not, standard of care was included, and studies which used randomized controlled trials (RCT). Of the 3,540 citations generated, only 12 met the criteria and 11 studies were included in the meta-analysis (Armstrong, et al, 2011). Article 3 chose 30 randomized nurses in the study conducted at a large teaching hospital in the North of Spain, the authors believed that 30 samples are sufficient. The study was advertised to recruit nurses irrespective of whether they were thinking of quitting, or if they were active smokers (Mujika et al.,

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