Mental Health India Case Study

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India is a diverse country with a range of cultures, religions and languages. It is the second most populated country in the world, consisting of approximately one-sixth of the world’s population, and is projected to be the world’s most populated country by 2025. There are more than 2000 ethnic groups, with about 22 languages that are officially recognized. According to the 2011 census the overall literacy rate is 74.04 %, the male literacy being 82.14% and that of females is 65.46%. In addition, a large population lives in rural areas, with agriculture being the main occupation. In 2008 World Bank estimated that about 41.6% of India’s population was living below the poverty line. Thus, the varying levels of education, socioeconomic status,…show more content…
Generally, a bio-psycho-social approach is used to understand etiology of mental illness. Various researches conducted to identify the cause of mental illness have demonstrated that mental illnesses are due to a complex interaction of social (including economic, environmental), psychological (personality, stress, coping style) and biological (genetic, brain abnormalities, neurotransmitter imbalance) factors. In developing countries like India, the social determinants of health such as poverty, low living standards and related factors have been associated with mental illness (Lund, et al., 2010). Low socio economic status, unemployment, illiteracy, poor living standards, etc., are also implicated in mental…show more content…
Direct costs include costs of care, such as medication, consultation fees, hospitalization, diagnostic services, residential care, community services, rehabilitation, etc., while, indirect costs include reduced supply of labor like in unemployment, reduced educational attainment, expenses for social supports, costs associated with consequences like chronic disability, homelessness, crime, suicide, caregiver burden, early mortality, substance use, etc (Teh-wei Hu, 2004) . Mental health costs stand highest in terms of burden. Mental illnesses account for more than half of the projected total economic burden from non communicable diseases, and are responsible for 35% of the global lost output (World economic forum report, 2011). In 2010, the global cost of mental illness was estimated to be US $ 2.5 Trillion, and it was projected that by 2030, the same cost would to increase to over US $6 trillion (Bloom et. al.,

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