Suomi Bank Case Study

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In terms of business, by definition, an organization is an individual or group of people that collaborate with one another to achieve certain commercial goals. The four banks that merged together in this case study all had one specific commercial goal in mind: to become the most dominant banking company in the Northern European region. Although each of the banks were from different countries, the people at the top had a firm belief that the merger would be a success as each bank possessed different skills and were from similar areas. However, as time went by, the company started unraveling internally and people understood it was time for a change, starting from the top. When the merger between the four banks of Suomi Bank, Swedbank, DanBank…show more content…
On paper, the merger looked great because each bank was dominant in their own specific way, which lead them to believe that combining all four strengths would create perhaps one super bank. Also, the working conditions, traditions, and moral standards were all similar in all the four respective countries where the banks were originally from, thus believing the workers would mingle well together. However, what the company did not take into account was that each of the companies had a different work culture/internal branding. This correlates to what the brands stood for, how the employees were being treated in the workplace, the vibes during work hours, and what was allowed and what was…show more content…
In story one, we found out a manager was resistant to change as stated the employees were previously, and was also isolating himself and his own people by referring to them as “we” and the others as “they”. This lead to a toxic rivalry environment and it all started from the leadership role because as he started to correct these issues, employees from his team started to correct their own issues as well. In story two, two departments from the same country ran into communication and agreement issues. The main issue from this scenario was that the two departments did not agree agree on a new business model, and were both cut throat with their ideas, not willing to take any new models into play. Instead of communicating with each other like professionals, they both talked down upon each other behind closed doors. In story three, perhaps the most groundbreaking incident occurred for change when the new deputy manager came into play. The Corporate Banking department went from leadership that was reluctant to change their ways, to a new respected leadership who was willing to collaborate with other Scanfin countries. At first, employees were hesitant but they slowly started to accept her approach as she communicated with them properly and showed data to back up her vision. As a result of this, many employees started to show up to the international meetings which was a

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