The Importance Of Mental Health

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Generally, there have been numerous misconceptions concerning the field of medicine. For instance, how does the society distinguish who and what is normal from who and what is not (abnormal)? According to Maslow (1954), the term normal is frequently denoted "as an unconscious synonym for tradition or habitual or conventional, and is usually meant to cloak the tradition in approval," and, in a wholly distinctive practice, is the medical way of using the term normal to imply the "absence of lesion, disease or obvious malfunctions and disorders." In mental health, confusion and scepticism among two major yet distinctive concepts – mental health and mental illness are brought about by various misconceptions concerning the certain field. An example…show more content…
. . , and according to Vaillant, (2003) this is too important to be ignored.” (as cited in WHO, Promoting Mental Health: Concepts, Emerging evidence, Practice, 2004, p. 13) Therefore, mental health, including the rising cases of mental health illnesses, should also be prioritized in the health sector department of the government, and one way to address this problem is through formulation of a mental health policy, which covers the promotion of mental health across a community. A mental health policy is “an organized set of values, principles and objectives for improving mental health and reducing the burden of mental disorders in a population” (WHO, Promoting Mental Health: Concepts, Emerging Evidence, Practice, 2004), whose one substantial constituent is the promotion of mental health. In the Philippines, the Department of Health has already proposed the National Mental Health Program, which is concerning primarily on the promotion of mental health. (Department of Health, 2015) Through this program, mental health shall be promoted, especially to the youth, the ones who are usually affected by mental health illnesses; this should be done for them to fully develop their sense of self, and learn how to properly manage the…show more content…
For instance, increasing social interaction among adolescents and young adults would decrease the likelihood of triggering mental health illnesses. The Department of Health also employed a batch of training on psychosocial intervention, and one example of which are the extracurricular activities in school, such as the organizations, school tournaments and the like. These organizations and tournaments “provide venues for friendly competition” (WHO, Promoting Mental Health and Wellness), discovery and enhancement of talents and sportsmanship among the youth. In doing such interventions, WHO recommends that parents of the children and/or teenagers should also involve themselves in the promotion of mental health, psychosocial being and
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