Service Recovery Examples

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Action that are undertaken by any organization to face the going-ons of service failure is called service recovery. As suggested by the researchers three kinds of justice that can be initiated are , Procedural Justice(referring to fairness of procedure), Interactional justice (referring to communal communications and behaviour) and distributive justice( referring to the outcomes), (Gronroos, 1988). A new addition to the list is Informational justice ( consisting of complaint handling process). Researchers have described the process of recovery in the following manner : 1. Acknowledgment : Acceptance of a problem (Bitner et al, 1990). 2. Empathy: Understanding the problem from a customer’s point of view (Johnston and Fern, 1999). 3. Apology:…show more content…
Hygiene and physical evidence : low cleanliness, untidy staff, bad ambience, stingy water and facilities arrangement not proper, congestion, waiting room-not proper, temperature-not comfortable. 2.Operations :poor service, unavailability of specialists, inexactness of rate, ambiguity in process/ waiting time, unavailability of equipment, proper work not done, personal items-missing, reservation missing. 3.Employee related : Untidy/unprompted staff, inattentive staff, does not understand your needs, improper knowledge about the job, unfriendly and unhelpful staff. Through researches it has been found that only 56% consumers have experience service failure or one or the other kind in the health care sector and only 61% chose to register their complain. One of the reason for not complaining could be the perception of the people this it is not the right place to raise their voice and they should maintain their dignity and decorum and also consumers also feel that unless they complain verbally, no action would be taken by the…show more content…
Transferring the case to higher authority has become the general tendency of front line employees and also the middle and top level people misunderstand the service recovery process. Through earlier researches it has been found that 40% of the complaints are dealt by extending an apology and offering short compensation in the Indian context and 75% cases of similar type have been found in the sector. Another thing that was observed in the studies was that offering compensation for the loss of health may be offensive to the consumer as someone’s health or life cannot be measure in monetary terms. Close to 61% of health sector have reported to have bad memories of failure and unsatisfied recovery action and only 6% reported to have a positive
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