Informative Essay On Christian Stereotypes

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Informative Essay Eng. Comp Theresa Xiong Christianity Stereotypes In a world that operates through the use of media, such as images and advertisements, it is difficult for a person to completely scrutinize what is being manifested to him or her. It takes less than a minute for a person to conclude one’s opinion on a person who he or she met for the first time due to lack of understanding of the stereotypes between non-believers and Christians. To gain an adequate understanding of Christianity stereotypes, Christian stereotypes are shown in media, social backgrounds of Christian beliefs and judgment. According to Webster's Dictionary, “Stereotyping is defined as a fixed conventional notion or conception of an individual or group of people, held by a number of people.” The society has high standards for pastors of Christian church, a policeman, and the President of the United States of America because of their influential and public…show more content…
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