Medication Error

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Medication error is an important problem that affects patient safety. It can cause potential or actual harm to patients. The nurse plays an integral role in patient safety and can prevent many instances of medication errors. This can be done by practicing good principles of medication safety. Patient safety is defined as providing a good quality of healthcare while avoiding actual or potential harm to the patient. Patient safety is the most integral part of quality of healthcare. Healthcare-associated harm is when a patient is harmed in the healthcare setting. This can occur in the form of a patient safety incidence-an incidence which could actually or potentially cause unnecessary harm to the patient. Patient safety incidences can occur intentionally or unintentionally. When harm is caused intentionally, it is called a violation, and when caused unintentionally, it is called an error. (WHO, 2007).…show more content…
Both these errors are “Adverse Events”- where a patient can be actually or potentially be harmed. Harm can result in disease, worsening of the patient’s condition, suffering, injury, or even death. A near-miss is a type of patient safety incident where no harm was caused to the patient. (WHO, 2007). Errors can occur due to a variety of factors including human factors, communication issues, lack of policies and guidelines being available, technical failures, poor staffing patterns, lack of organisational knowledge, inadequate information, or patient-related issues such as lack of patient education. Common types of medical errors include Healthcare associated infections (HCAIs), Medication errors, surgical adverse events, patient accidents such as falls,

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