Department Of Homeland Security Analysis

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This Department makes its full effort to prepare, detect, prevent, respond, and to recover from terrorist activity. The President has a cabinet member that is the Secretary of The Department of Homeland Security. The President appoints the Secretary and the United States Senate's approves that appointment. The Department of Homeland Security was established in 2002 by the Homeland Security Act. The Department Of Homeland Security assists with intelligence gathering efforts and Distributes information to the appropriate agencies. The Department of Homeland Security review, evaluate and maintain federal security procedures and emergency response plans. The United States has many departments, but the only one that works to ensure the safety is…show more content…
In the year of 2004, the Department presented a system called US-VISIT (United States Visitor and Immigrant Status Indicator Technology). It requires numerous outside guests to be photographed and to have their fingerprints checked after landing at the U.S. air terminals and seaports. In 2007, the Department instituted its Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative. It requires U.S. Citizens and Citizens of Canada, Mexico, and Bermuda to present a legitimate visa when traveling out via air to the United States from any part of the Western Hemisphere.…show more content…
In 2002, no single federal department had homeland security as its primary objective. Now it is our mission. We are integrating our resources to meet a common goal. our most important job is to protect the American people and our way our life from terrorism. The Department has a single, clear line of authority to get the job done. While we can never eliminate the potential for attack, particularly in a society that's open, as diverse, and as large as ours, we will significantly reduce the nation's vulnerability to terrorism and terrorist attack over time. (U.S. Department of Homeland Security) Through the partnership with state, local, and tribal governments and the private sector, we are working to ensure the highest level of protection and preparedness for the country and the citizens we serve.The attack on our homeland of September 11, 2001, was an assault on the ideals that make our country great. We were reminded that the values we hold dear must not be taken for granted. From these tragic events, a stronger Union has emerged.(U.S. Department of Homeland Security) We are stronger and better prepared today than we were in the past, and in the future we will still be stronger. We have learned a great deal since September 11, 2001, and will act on every lesson to ensure the security of the American

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