Media In Social Media

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To resolve the gap between awareness and rural population, Government of India strategically developed a plan to give emphasis on interpersonal communication at grassroots level. As part of this strategy motivators can be engaged at the village level for demand creation and taking up behaviour change communication. The motivator can be given suitable incentive from the funds earmarked for IEC. The incentives performance based i.e. in terms of motivating the number of households and schools/ Anganwadis to construct latrines and soakage pits and also use the same subsequently. Few activities under IEC include wall painting on a community building or hoardings to display different messages, print and audio visual materials including flip charts,…show more content…
Media has impacted our society in many ways. It has always played a very crucial role as a source of information, education and entertainment. The media play an important role in increasing public awareness and formation of their views and attitudes toward certain issues. There is no denial that media is playing a very significant role in making the world smaller. Through various mediums of media whether it is radio, television, newspaper or internet, we are able to connect with large number of people around us. Especially internet has truly become the need of every individual both for our work and to connect with our friends and well…show more content…
The more advanced healthcare organizations are using social media for one (or both) of the following: Managing population wellness: One of the most important uses of social media comes in the form of public health. Social media provides a multi-faceted means of delivering new – and perhaps critical – healthcare information to the public. The viral nature of social media can be a very effective means of disseminating information quickly. This is especially true when the information comes from a highly regarded source and is viewed as immediately applicable to patients. Converting unknown consumers into patients: Any business needs to drive new revenue, and hospitals and health plans are no different. Given that approximately 60% of internet users look for health information online, social media is an abundantly helpful tool that both payors and providers can use to convert unknown consumers into patients/members and to increase loyalty from existing consumers. If hospitals and health plans want to serve the public, then they need to meet the public where they are, which increasingly means on the internet and social

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