Mass Communication Theory

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This literature review is designed to highlight aspects of various literatures on our proposed topic. The researcher will underscore high points and low points. The researcher will also determine what he believes have been left out of previous research and how this proposed research will add to the gap in the knowledge. Censorship is a worldwide concern. The question of whether a program or piece is unfit for broadcast due to its violent, indecent or defamatory content is ultimately decided by the broadcast regulatory bodies in a country. Another aspect of censorship is regulating content that is believed will result in the destruction of constructive social and cultural norms. Filtering content can be censored through the process of Self-Regulation,…show more content…
The perception of media, especially by the elite (the influential minority that rules but still constitutes public), majorly determines the legislations enacted by regulators. In essence, the perception of media is commonly reflected in the state’s constitutions and the role media regulators play. However, countries such as Uganda experience autocratic leadership which affects regulations. As such, public opinion is not reflected in their laws. These opinions, then, are even more difficult to uncover unlike in Jamaica where opinions on broadcast regulations can be had without the interference of the law. The following theories give an overview of historical perception: The mass communication theory is a continuous review of how media and its content are perceived. So far, it is documented that the theory lends itself to five era: ” the era of mass society era theory, the emergence of a scientific perspective on mass communication the emergence of the limited -effects paradigm, the turn towards cultural criticism, the effects of moderate effects perspective. (Baran, Davis pgs 9-16) . Censorship back then was used to ban mainly transparency of religion, politics and other special interest (Tisdel and media regulation). State control regulation was…show more content…
It was merged with social and political theory to form the elite pluralism theory which views society as a “ composition of interlocking pluralistic groups led by opinion leaders who rely on media for information about politics and the social world. “ (Baran, Davis pg 12). Mass society theory was put to rest based on numerous research findings. Persons began to support media disseminations more which meant they want the regulators to grant the entities more freedom. The notion was that “ average people needed to be protected from media manipulation, however it was now believed even more believable that people had numerous ways of resisting media influence and they were influenced by many competing factors. Cultural Criticism was born to challenge the Limited-effects paradigm which was exalted by the American society. A group of social theorist from Europe believes that the scientific approach was flawed and that mass society theory was right to some extent. The European society believed that the process of regulating media was corrupt. “ These left wing social theorists to believe that media enable dominant social elites to maintain power”. Again skepticism of media and its regulations became

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