The Importance Of Online Media

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In today's society, the media is everything. Whether it's a TV show, the internet, the news, or even a magazine or newspaper, the human race has begun to require the use of media daily. Not only does one need the media daily for content, it is used for communication as well. Communication through the mass media has quickly evolved with technology advancing so quickly. In today’s society, communicating via the online media is huge. It has gotten so big to the point where people depend on it. Not only do people depend on it, it is extremely convenient because humanity is able to communicate freely with others. However, with such freedom to communicate can come complications with different theories and laws. Whether it’s for some quick questions…show more content…
Even though it's stated in the first amendment that the people have freedom of speech as well as the right to free press, however, with such Freedom there were some problems with what was being released to the public via news. One of the main problems was that the news was releasing more entertainment rather than actual news. Since Society began demanding for Content other than real world problems. This began back in the 1800s. And today's society, the demand for entertainment is at an all-time high. That's all people really want anymore. The reason the demand for entertainment is at an all-time high has to do with the media via internet. In today's world, people find entertainment from anybody who is famous. For example, a lot of society Vines entertainment from the Kardashian-Jenner clan. There's always something on the Internet about them. They have their own reality TV show that gets millions of views only because there's always drama going on with that family. That drama is the entertainment that the people want to…show more content…
Back in the 1900s, media was only available through a couple of options. One of the most common options available was the newspaper then came radio then finally TV there were other ways of advertising but, those three were the main three. Advertising was easy back then only because there were only a couple ways of getting the word around. However, in today's society, the internet is insanely huge to the point where advertising can become a struggle. According to an article found on, more than 3 billion people worldwide are using the internet as of today. With that many people, there are going to be mixed opinions about everything. People will have mixed opinions about clothes or even about different cat videos. When it comes to advertising, companies need to be careful about where and when they post their advertisements. For example, some people when they scroll through Facebook they see an advertisement for Amazon which lists a couple of items they either recently viewed or is on their wish list. This is a form of advertisement that is a little different from the others. When it comes to advertising companies, they need to be careful about where and when they post their advertisement. If a company wants their advertisement to just be seen, they'd have to
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