Clime Change In Indonesia

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THEME AND CONCEPT In this mini thesis, I would like to discuss about clime change that happen in around the world especially in Indonesia. This paper will discuss more about Global Issue. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) is a world project that developed to support the intergovernmental process to achieve the sustainable development. It consists of seventeen points which have to be achieved over the next fifteen years. It is a world program that is created to protect what is needed to be protected and to achieve a sustainable development in every sector of government planning. It consists of seventeen points that cover all of the world’s issues: no poverty; zero hunger; good health and well-being; quality education; gender equality; clean…show more content…
The effects brought by climate change are very serious because it is related to the existence of human being in this planet, earth. Due to climate change the weather that has been already predicted by the experts is now changing and cannot be predicted, as what is happening in Indonesia. For instance, drought comes at an unexpected time that leads to lack of clean water which will have a strong impact on human lives, animals and plants. It also causes many wildfires to forest and other dry places. The rainfall activity also becomes unpredicted. Through the exaggerated rainfall, flood happens frequently. Especially when the land or a construction cannot handle the water anymore due to the decrease of water absorption areas, that will then lead to affecting the water flow circle. This is an example of what happens in…show more content…
Climate change is having serious impacts on the world’s water systems through more flooding and droughts. For example, the case that really happening nowadays in Indonesia is flash floods that happen in Pasteur-Bandung. The area of Bandung got flood because of raining make Citarum River overflow. It attack 3 districts and 199 houses, it usually happen every time it rains with high intensity and it last for several years. The way of the government implant the message about protecting the environment seems like they did not find the result to solve the problem. Using media can be a solution to help the government since nowadays media plays an important role in everyday life of human activities, as a tool for human to communicate. Media can control how the audience think and influence the audience to have similar understanding with the sender of information. Agenda-setting theory gives chance for the sender to control what the audience need to think about by emphasizing on certain issues that will be aired on the mass

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