Comparing Argyle And Tuckman's Theories Of Communication

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P2 Theories of Communication There are many types of theories of communication but I'm going to talk about two specific theories, Argyle and Tuckman’s theories. Argyle’s theory of communication was based on one-to-one communication. There were six stages of his theory of communication which were “Ideas occur, Message coded, sent, received, decoded, then understood”. The first stage is Idea Occurs, before a person speaks or communicates with another person, he has to think of what he's going to do and communicate. The second stage is thinking of how the person says. What kind of facial expression, body language, tone of voice or gesture he's going to use. The next stage is after the person thinks of an idea, he sends it to the other person…show more content…
When explaining to a patient about their health, you need time and patience for the patient to fully understand you. If you don't have time, you would have to rush your explanation or you won't be able to explain everything to your patient and you might leave important information out, they would not understand properly and they would find you unreliable. If you're running out of time, you might not focus on the patient properly and not be able to give them your undivided attention making them feel unimportant. Make sure you have enough time for your patients, and organise your appointments properly so you won't have to rush. P4 Organization Advertisements Psychology Services for People with Learning Disabilities Talk to us Are you feeling…? * sad or upset * worried about something * frightened by someone or something * angry with someone We work with people who are experiencing mental or physical health problems like: * anxiety and depression * serious and enduring mental illness * adjustment to physical illness * neurological disorders * addictive behaviours * childhood behaviour disorders * personal and family relationship * learning

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