Theories Of Mass Communication

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tha the mass media of communication tell us not what to think, but what to think about. Furthermore, (Folarin (2005,p.93), posits the following as the elements or ideas of the agenda setting theory; • The quantity or frequency of reporting • Prominence given to the report through headline display, pictures and layout in news paper, magazine, films, graphics or timing on radio and television. • The degree of conflicts generated in the report and influences at all on their consumers. The relevance of this theory to this study therefore, is that firstly, the social media through continuous use of interaction, connectivity, chatting, commenting and posting of media messages on the issue of female Genital Mutilation, the society world the need…show more content…
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Preamble This chapter would be based on the research method with which the research is to be carried. It will thoroughly examine the research method, population study, sample size and sampling techniques. It will proceed further to look at the instrument for collection, method of data and conclusively, data, analysis and presentation. 3.1. Research Method This research utilizes the survey research design. Okafor (2002) states that it is an investigation in which only part or sample of the population is studied and the selection is made such that the sample is the representative of the whole population. The reason for the adoption of this design, is that it employs selection of representatives to look into “the role of the social media in the campaign against female genital Multilation in Nigeria: A study of ethiope East Local Government Area in Delta State. 3.2. Population Study The population of this study includes women in the area that fall within the age bracket of 45-70 years of age. The reason for choosing the women within this age bracket, is that they are the executors of the act of female genital mutilation on young females because a great number of the women still hold strongly to the cultural belief that the female genital mutilation helps in the control of sexual urges for the woman gender. To them also, if facilitates easy delivery for the

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