Argyle's Theory Analysis

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Unlike Argyle's theory, Tuckman's theory (1965) is based around group discussions, Tuckman believed that communication within a group can be influenced by the degree to which people feel they belong together. The theory suggests when individuals first interact with one another they go through a process of group formation, which involves four stages; forming (where the group first meet each other), storming (people’s personalities are revealed causing tension and confrontations within the group), norming (responsibilities are established resulting in agreements on the group’s intention) and performing (the group’s identity, trust and loyalty are high resulting in effective group work).Although this theory may not apply directly to Alan, it can…show more content…
A barrier blocks and stops a message from being understood accurately, there are four types of communication barriers; process, physical, semantic and psychosocial barriers (Eisenberg, 2010 cited in Lunenburg 2010). Psychosocial barriers often involve a psychological distance between individuals. In Alan’s case, the differences in values and thoughts with the nurses which lead up to anger and frustration influence how effective the communication is. As Alan is unable to place his thoughts together, a step in the communication cycle (Argyle 1972) is blocked because of this, process barriers occur as every step in the communication process is necessary for effective communication. Maslow (1943) hypothesised that people strive to meet a hierarchy of needs in order to self-actualise. Each level of the hierarchy must be met in order to self-actualise. Due to Alan’s low self-esteem, a barrier occurs within the esteem level of the hierarchy which disrupted the communication. As he may not feel confident enough to speak out, making it more difficult for the nurses to hold a good conversation with…show more content…
The Equality Act promotes the respect and value of people’s difference within a workplace and in society. This legislation plays an important role within the HSC setting as it enables professionals such as nurses to flourish and realise their full potential thus providing the best service possible. For example, whilst interacting with Alan, the nurse must treat him with respect and care no matter how different their values and morals are as it is vital that the Equality Act is followed.Disability Discrimination Act 1995 (DDA) prohibits the discrimination by employers and service providers against disabled services-users. DDA imposes a duty on employers and service providers to make reasonable adjustments for disabled individuals to help them overcome barriers that they may face whilst accessing and using goods and services. In application to Alan’s case, the legislation may be useful in improving the lack of personalisation, for example Alan has access to a variety of services outside of the care home such as cinema, restaurants or community centres with planned activities. As DDA permits Alan to re-enter employment, with methods such as email, phone calls Alan can be liked with volunteering opportunities within the community. In accordance with the DDA (1995), Thompsons PCS model (1997) can be explored to recognise anti-oppression

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