Theories Of Communication In Health And Social Care

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In relation to health and social care, the most important element is communication which is defined to be an exchange of information, opinions and views. This can come in the form of verbal/non-verbal speech, facial expressions, body language, emotions, et al. Communication is an integral way of creating relations between people, and making them stronger. It is good to have good communication skills between staff and patients in order to maintain a healthy and understanding environment for people who need it the most. Referring to its history, communication is translated as “defero” in Latin as a definition of handing over, referring and offering, et al. In the early times, Egyptians used the form of rock carving as a way of communication,…show more content…
These include: behaviouristic, humanistic, cognitive and psychoanalytical. To start, the theory of behaviourism is the idea that our character and the way we act through actions depends on the environment we are exposed to and the situation we are placed into, be it negative or positive. Behaviour can be learned but also unlearned. Behaviourism is a theory of learning, based on the idea that all our behaviour are gained via conditioning. There are two major types of conditioning: classical conditioning and operant conditioning. Classical conditioning is a pairing between a natural occurring stimulus and a neutral stimulus. According to Pavlov and his experiment with dogs, he discovered that using a tone, alerting dogs that food is available, after some time, dogs were starting to salivate whenever the tone was introduced, even when the food was not readily available, so he realised this is not a natural response, but a learned response, a conditioned response. Operant conditioning is a theory that verifies the effect of punishment and rewards. A great example relating to real life, will be a parent and child.…show more content…
Before Piaget's work, the common assumption was that children are less competent thinkers than adults, but he showed that young children think different to adults. The goal of his theory is to show as the mechanism and process by which the infant, and then the child develops into an individual, who starts to discover the discrepancies between what he knows already and his actual present. Sigmund Freud is said to be the founder of psychoanalysis theory, he believed that the mind is divided in two parts: the conscious mind and the unconscious mind. His theory includes the idea, that, things that happened to people during their childhood can contribute to the way they behave as adults. Relating to Mary's situation, all her current difficulties are coming from the unstable relation she had with her father, who abandoned her, and the stepfather who constantly abused her. Psychoanalysis is known as the talking cure; Freud was encouraging his patience to talk freely and to describe exactly what was on their mind. Trying to make Mary to open her mind and soul and talk about her sufferings and deceptions, showing her, she can be loved and understood will make her to gain more confidence and self esteem. Communication, in this case, is creating relations and in the same time is strengthening relation between
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