reacts with seawater which in return produces acids. This research is about how OA affects environmental conditions of marine ecosystem and global elemental cycles. Different research approaches are discussed to know the effects of OA to our environment, ecosystem and marine organisms. Objectives: • The main objective of this research is to know about the ocean acidification and its impacts on ecosystem and marine organism • To understand different solutions about ocean acidification • Control carbon
areas that are reliant on tourism and marine activities. Morgan, Jones and Williams (as cited in Oigman-Pszczol & Creed, 2007) specified that the absence of litter has been acknowledged as a wanted beach quality in beach user main concerns. Such concerns have led to local community organizing beach cleanups. Trash is damaging to the tourism industry which is a main revenue generator in Aruba. The degradation of the appealing importance of beaches has a severe effect on many user groups such as tourist
The depletion of fishing stocks, caused by extensive overfishing, negatively effects marine ecosystems and threatens the livelihood of many South Africans who depend on the fishing industry. Overfishing is the practice of removing more fish from an ecosystem than can be replenish through natural reproduction. Overfishing – a rising threat to our planet (Basson, 2011) emphasises that fish stocks, both locally and globally, are seriously depleted and it is the consumers responsibility to support seafood
War of the Whales is not only a novel, it is a porthole into understanding the complex systems of marine life and the detrimental consequences that follow human activities. The novel portrays two men, oceanographer Ken Balcomb and his environmental attorney Joel Reynolds on their complex mission to expose the American Navy’s direct association with the unexplained mass strandings of whales in the Bahaman Islands. The novel reveals how national security and the need to safeguard the ocean environment
individual,” “how might a person’s life change while reducing nutrient pollution,” and “the balance of personal choices with environmental consideration.” Addressing these questions will initiate a journey of understanding about personal challenges,
Several Initiatives at the international level have been undertaken to reduce marine pollution but most have either not been implemented or failed altogether. The International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution of the Sea by Oil 1954 It was the first attempt to prevent pollution of the sea by oil tankers. It prohibited the discharge of oil or oil mixture by tankers within prohibited zones from the coastline. This Convention was superseded by the 1973/78 MARPOL Convention. The International
resorts in the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park, takes over the locally owned tourism industry, which suffers as a result The Maldives are ranked the third most endangered nation
The Philippines is described to have a tropical marine environment with relatively warm and less saline waters (Silvestre and Pauly, 1997) The average ocean surface temperature around the Philippine island is 27.3ºC (Saha, 2009). On the western flank of the Philippines, ocean current is carried by monsoon winds, the one turning northward and the other turning southward along the coasts of Visayas and Mindanao Island (Saha, 2009). Meanwhile, on the eastern shores of the Philippines, the Pacific
But one question does present itself. How does the ecosystem get impacted by all these tourists? There are consecutive signs that tourism has indeed affected Florida’s ecosystem. Such as mass amount of physical impacts, changes in economy and in the marine life. Many people visit Florida for its wonderful warm weather, beautiful parks, exquisite beaches and
1. Introduction Marine conservation have become an increasing global priority with Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) being widely promoted to protect and restore fisheries and to conserve biodiversity and cultural heritage. MPAs have long been acknowledged as an important tool for protecting and ensuring maintainance of functional marine resources. Surrounding large areas of coastlines with great biodiversity, MPA’s development has direct bearing and concerns to livelihoods, culture and survival of