Idiot Box Case Study

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A STUDY ON THE PRODUCTIVE PARTICIPATION IN DIFFERENT SMALL SCREEN PROGRAMS BY THE VIEWERS OF GONDAR CITY, ETHIOPIA. AUTHORS OF THE PAPER: *DR K.VENUGOPAL Professor Department of Marketing Management, College of Business and Economics, University of Gondar, Ethiopia. Mobile: +271941432528, E-mail: KOPPALA71@GMAIL.COM **ENDRIS NURU ZELEKE Lecturer Department of Marketing Management College of Business and Economics University of Gondar, Ethiopia. Mobile +251913116450; E- Mail: ***DR MULUGETA NEGASH Assistant Professor Department of Marketing Management College of Business and Economics University of Gondar Gondar, Ethiopia Phone: +251 913781088…show more content…
In every developed and some of developing countries the small screen industry persuades a lot of viewers and marketers with innumerable programmes in many languages. Fortunate enough that the television is drawing the attention of many viewers with a lot of dexterous programmes in their respective countries and quite contrary to Ethiopian people from different categories in semi urban and rural areas found to be considerably slipshod towards watching small screen. Reasons for dawdling development show the discrepancy with their media habits, economic backgrounds, alternative entertainment forms and socio-cultural traits even captivating the shift rate from other entertaining modes to this media is also discouraging with less leverage. There are ample chances of revenue generation though advertisements, sponsorships and transmission by increasing the rate of watching The small screen of Ethiopia owns certain good programmes associated with dramas and cinemas, reality shows, music and dances, discussions and interviews, news and information, sports etc. Having fanaticism to attain the firm footing in the industry, the programs must be created in order to gain the positive outcomes of viewers by improving the frequency of watching, evaluating the level of enjoyment, improving retrospection…show more content…
There are ample chances of revenue generation though advertisements, sponsorships and transmission by increasing the rate of watching. The small screen of Ethiopia owns certain good programmes associated with dramas and cinemas, reality shows, music and dances, discussions and interviews, news and information, sports etc. Having fanaticism to attain the firm footing in the industry, the programs must be created in order to gain the positive outcomes of viewers by improving the frequency of watching, evaluating the level of enjoyment, improving retrospection after the programme and handling complaints against the programmes. The majority of programming is in Ethiopia’s most widely spoken language Amharic and the majority of programmes are made by ETV which has its own studios. There have been many industries such as advertising agencies, picture production units, multimedia and animations etc are in connection with the development of TV programmes. The reputation of the programs would lead to the acceleration and leverage of the growth and profitability of dependant

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