Nepal Swot Analysis

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CONTENT ANALYSIS Nepal is among least developed countries in the world and was listed as the poorest among the 121 countries in 1989. Various factors contributed to the economic underdevelopment including terrain, lack of resource endowment, landlocked position, lack of institutions for modernization, weak infrastructure, and the lack of policies conducive to development. With about one-quarter of its population living below the poverty line. Nepal is heavily dependent on remittances, which amount to as much as 29% of GDP. Agriculture is the mainstay of the economy, providing a livelihood for almost 70% of the population. Nepal was hit by the earthquake in early 2015, which damaged or destroyed infrastructure and…show more content…
being situated at the crossroads of the ancient Trans- Himalayan trade route, trading is second nature to the Nepalese people. Foreign trade is characterized mainly by import of manufactured products and export of agriculture raw materials. Nepal imports manufactured goods and petroleum products worth about Us 1 billion annually. The value of exports is about US 315 million. Woolen carpets are Nepal’s largest export, earning the country over US 135 million per year. Garment exports account for more than US 74 million and handicraft goods bring in about US 1 million. Other important exports are pulses, hides and skins, jute and medicinal herbs. Tourism is one of the largest industrial kingdom. This sector has been expanding rapidly since its inception in the 1950. We are proud of our Nepal’s beauty; rich culture heritage and the diversity of sight – seeing and adventure opportunities available. At one time, tourism used to be the biggest foreign currency earner for the country. Nepal earned over US152 million from tourism sector in 1998. The Himalayas have attracted foreigners to Nepal. Mountaineering and hiking were of considerable interest of them as well as rafting, canoeing, and hang gliding. Tourism is facilitated with the opening of air ways to Kathmandu and other parts of the country and the easing of travel

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