Causes And Disadvantages Of Dementia

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Dementia is not categorized as a specified disease. There are a few symptoms which are associated with dementia causing a decline in the person’s memory or disability in the thinking skills which reduces a normal person’s ability to have a proper performance in their everyday tasks. The main cause of dementia is the ageing of cells which cause the absolute death of the brain cells. This can be done by the prevention of normal blood flow which deprives the brain cells and cause oxygen not to reach them. Dementia is fatal but still it can be slowed down by activities. There is a direct relationship of dementia with the brain cells death. People know dementia as a disorder which limits the lie cycle which is why mostly people who are diagnosed…show more content…
When people with dementia practice locomotion, they do not have lack of appetite and this is how; they are active for the most part of their day. This has a positive effect on their health as they age lesser than the usual dementia patients. Dementia reduces the age cycle of a normal person which is why; these measures should be taken in order to regain betterment. Movements and balancing can benefit the dementia patients to connect socially with people and this is how; they will increase their self-awareness in their work. It will further lead to improvement in their cognitive functioning as well as the memory. There are a number of creative therapies which would allow people to be lively and not get dull. It will simultaneously affect their personal health in the long term and they would feel better than usual. There are small activities which can encourage dementia patients to move on with their daily lives by locomotion faster. For example; it can be handled by more walking and less sue o wheelchair. It will increase their confidence and make them feel…show more content…
There are a couple of indications which are related with dementia causing a decrease in the individual's memory or incapacity in the reasoning aptitudes which diminishes an ordinary individual's capacity to have an appropriate execution in their regular undertakings. The fundamental driver of dementia is the maturing of cells which cause the outright passing of the brain cells. This should be possible by the avoidance of typical blood stream which denies the brain cells and cause oxygen not to contact them. There is an immediate relationship of dementia with the cerebrum cells demise. Individuals know dementia as a disorder which restrains the life cycle which is the reason for the most part individuals who are determined to have dementia has a broadened life expectancy of about more 26 years to their unique

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