Approach To Human Resource Management

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The following information will relate and discuss the changes in recruitment. It will discuss the traditional approaches of human resource management and the changes which have led to today’s recruitment and future methods of online recruitment. The traditional approach to recruitment in the Tourism & Hospitality sector, but also the present and future. It will be discussing how potential employee’s online profiles actively influence the hiring decisions. It will discuss the effects of social media presence, online profiles and company pages. Effective HRM of employees is a modern version of what used to be called personnel management in the traditional approaches. Although there are some overlaps between HRM of employees and personnel management,…show more content…
The human resource traditional approach aims at motivating the workforce through direct methods such as pay, incentives, rewards, job simplification, and the like to drive performance. This approach works on the premise that improved job satisfaction leads to improved performance, and does not consider the modern motivational approaches such as challenging work or application of creativity. (Brighthub Project Management, 2016) Traditional personnel management focused on personnel administration and typical basic labour relation issues. In contrast to the present day where the HR management of employees is more diverse, focusing on recruitment and selection into the workplace. There is often ongoing motivation and employee morale in the workplace. The maintenance of benefits, administration and insurance requirements for managers and their employees in the workplace. Modern HR management in the form of a Professional Employer Organization options offers a wide range of potential…show more content…
The online recruitment is the leading recruitment source today. The job applicant can receive more information about the job vacancy, and the application for a new job is much easier today. People can apply for 30 jobs within several minutes. The overload in the recruitment function can be enormous. The efficiency of the recruitment process can drop significantly. The art of the online recruitment has to be learned over a longer period of time. (, 2016) Traditional Online Recruitment started with the online job boards. The Internet job boards started to be popular back in 1995. They were extremely modern for their time, and they offered the opportunity to advertise many job vacancies at one place. The job boards managed to drive many job applicants to organizations. Organizations were not ready to process hundreds of job resumes per a single vacancy. The timing was essential for being the successful job applicant winning the new job. (,
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