The Pros And Cons Of Human Resource Management

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The world of work is rapidly changing. As a part of organization, Human Resource Management (HRM) must be prepared to deal with effects of changing world of work. For the HR people it means understanding the implications of globalization, work-force diversity, changing skill requirements, corporate downsizing, continuous improvement initiatives, re-engineering, the contingent work force, decentralized work sites and employee involvement. There are an incredible number of pressures on today's organizations. To name a few: environmental pressures such as increasing globalization, rapid technological change, and tougher competition; organizational changes such as new organizational alliances, new structures and hierarchies, new ways of assigning work, and a very high rate of change; changes in the workforce, including employees' priorities, capabilities, and demographic characteristics. Within these…show more content…
3) Outsourcing of HR : BPO is the assignation of non-core activities of an organization to other organizations for which such activities are core. The HR issues in BPO sector are four fold viz., (i) HRM aspects of client organizations ii) outsourcing of HR functions (iii) outsourcing human resources, (iv) General. The main advantages of outsourcing human resources are  To reduce cost of human resources.  To avoid the complexities in HRM  To avoid evil effects of overstaffing. 4) HR Balance Score card: Robert S. Kaplan and David. P Nortan D.P. 1996[ 2] published about Balanced scorecard, which is a performance planning and measurement technique. BSR is the outcome of research conducted by them for one year involving 12 companies. .Kaplan and David. P Nortan felt that Balanced Score card facilitates  Strategy implementation  Make strategies more clear and operational  Identify and align strategic initiatives  Find parity between budget and strategy  Conduct periodic strategic reviews to improve
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