Management Education In India

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‘Management Education Worldwide’ is a 20th century phenomenon, emphasizing on business administration across the globe. At the end of the 20th century, management education also included the management of government, management of public institutions, agriculture management, management of education system, etc. The objective of management education since the beginning of the 20th century has been to enable organizations to utilize the knowledge for improvement of their efficiency and effectiveness. In the modern global village, ‘Management’ as a stream of education and training has acquired a new dimension. There is a great demand for Management education especially after the change towards liberalization, privatization and globalization.…show more content…
It is well assumed that the first business school in the India was established in 1913 in Mumbai and in 1920 one more in Delhi. These management colleges, in fact, were imparting basic skills about the principles of trade and commerce to clerks and supervisors, so they were not business schools but only colleges of commerce. The first Business School in India of its own kind was established in 1953 ‘Indian Institute of Social Welfare and Business Management’, University of Kolkata (then Calcutta). But the modern management education in the contemporary world began in the sixties with the setting up of the Indian Institutes of Management. The IIMs were recommended by Dean Robbins of the University of California, who was invited by the Planning Commission of India. The first two IIMs were set up in 1961 at Kolkata and Ahmedabad respectively. The University of Delhi set up its Department of Management in 1968 that is today known as Faculty of Management Studies (FMS). The third IIM came into existence at Bangalore in 1971. Three more were set up at Lucknow in 1974 and in the late 1990s at Indore and Kozhikode. The seventh came up in Shillong in 2007. Ranchi, Raipur and Rohtak were set up in 2010. Trichi, Udaipur and Kashipur came up in 2011 (The Economic Times, 25-Jan,…show more content…
Management education in India has witnessed a mushrooming growth from just about 200 MBA colleges in the early Nineties to around 3,300 MBA colleges today (Nalini R. & Prashanth R. K., 2013).These numbers, depict growth and prosperity. But more important than the numbers is the quality of education. Particularly in India, mushrooming of institutes has raised a serious debate on quality of education provided by theses colleges (Jagadeesh R., 2000). Not more than 30 institutes in the country have systems and processes in place to deliver quality education (Palety, 2009). The majority of them face shortage of faculty and other resources and function primarily as “placement agencies”. (The Merit Trac-MBA Universe. Com, 2012) brought up the issue of quality by testing students from over 100 management institutes using internationally standardized tests on behalf of recruiting companies and reported that only 21 per cent students are employable. On similar lines, the Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India paper revealed that only 10 per cent management students, excluding the ones from top 20 institutes, get a job straight after completing their course. The majority of them work for a current salary of Rs 10,000-15,000 per month. The biggest reason for the gap is that the “mushrooming of institutes has not been

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