IMU Case Study

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BRIEF HISTORY AND BACKGROUND OF THE UNIVERSITY IMU otherwise called global therapeutic college opened its entryway in november 1992. IMU was opened after just 2 years of extraordinary arranging and with five driving Partner Medical Schools(PMS) on board and international medical college(IMC) opened its ways to understudies in Jalan Selangor, Petaling Jaya. The school was formally propelled on 13 April 1992 by the then minister of education, Yb Datuk Amar Dr Sulaiman Haji Daud, exhibiting the full help of the Malaysian Malaysian ministry of education and ministry of health. Since 1993, there have been 32 partners of PMS understudies, totalling 2,519 in number. Today, IMU has 29 prestigious PMS, which between them offer around 240 spots a year…show more content…
It presented a twinned Pharmacy program with University of Strathclyde in 1996, its own particular Bachelor of Pharmacy program in 2004 and dentistry in 2008, which take after the IMU's novel model – a mutual Phase 1 program, with the choice to finish their degree in IMU, or proceed to any of their Partner Schools far and wide. IMU presented the Chiropractic program in 2010, the first of its kind in Southeast Asia. The IMU Chiropractic program includes a proof based educational modules, which means the material that is instructed is gotten from explore discoveries however much as could reasonably be expected. IMU at that point presented the Chinese Medicine program in February 2011, where understudies are required to take in the essential therapeutic sciences nearby clinical practices of Chinese Medicine. This joining is vital as it consolidates the best of the two sorts of medication; understudies embrace and apply a logical and a confirmation based way to deal with Chinese…show more content…
This will likewise separate IMU. As it praises its 25th commemoration, IMU keeps on being centered around its most critical part to help form people to be better individuals, and to be better therapeutic and human services experts. HISTORY AND KEY MILESTONES 9 January We respected the pioneer partner of understudies into the Master of Pharmacy Practice program. 10 March The University formally kick-began their 25th Anniversary Celebrations at their University Day, an occasion held every year to honour its college status presented in 1999. The general subject for this commemoration festivities is "Better Health, Better Society". 20 March IMU holds "Self-accreditation status" following the declaration made by Malaysian Qualification Agency (MQA). IMU is one of the eight (8) colleges that got the desired honour. The self-accreditation status entitles an advanced education supplier (HEP) to authorize its projects aside from programs that require accreditation and acknowledgment of the significant expert body. 11

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