Makemytrip Marketing Strategy

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Online Marketing Online Marketing Strategy for By: Nisarg Yagnik (C039) Makemytrip Inc. is an Indian online travel company, founded by Deep Kalra in 2000. Headquartered in Gurgaon, Haryana, the company provides online travel services including flight tickets, domestic and international holiday packages, hotel reservations, rail and bus tickets, etc. The company has been recognized as one of India's best travel portals. In addition to a full-service online portal, the company also operates through 65 retail stores across 50 cities in India, along with international offices in New York City and Sydney. The company holds close to 25% market share of the OTA hotel booking segment. 1. Search…show more content…
In general, the earlier (or higher ranked on the search results page), and more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more visitors it will receive from the search engine's users; these visitors can then be converted into customers. SEO may target different kinds of search, including image search, local search, video search, academic search, news search, and industry-specific vertical search engines. The following sections discuss about the SEO approach and methodology for MakeMyTrip. a) Analysis and Evaluation: We begin by analyzing Makemytrip’s website, We perform a complete SEO audit to see what all has already been done. Based on the audit, we identify the gaps and finally we analyze our competitors and set benchmarks based on our competitor’s SEO activities. b) On page Optimization: After analysis, we start by doing a keyword research and select the keywords we want to rank for. For example for makemytrip we want to rank for keywords like Other On Page SEO activities that need to be performed are: HTML HEADER Title…show more content…
It should not restrict itself to sharing interesting pics and addressing customer issues. Make My Trip should build long sustainable campaigns that deliver value beyond engagement and convert fans into customers or leads. Integration of platforms and adding an offline element to the campaigns are some aspects that Make My Trip can look into. In fact, the brand can also look at building properties for travelers and build a community around themselves on their portal. Relying on 3rd party platform leaves you to their mercies and having people connect directly to you can be a great idea. The brand should also look at taking a step towards the video platform, YouTube. An effective use of the medium will set reality into motion for the subscribers, fans and followers. After all vicarious experience is a legitimate concept. Make My Trip tailors their content to take optimal advantage of the unique abilities of each social media platform. Short campaigns don’t work for most brands and yet Make My Trip manages to make a smooth long ride of
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