Technological Problems In Meghalaya

1036 Words5 Pages Financial & Technological constraints The technological scenario in Meghalaya is still very poor with farmers reporting that they are very much aware of fruit processing but they do not have the resources to do so (Farmers, Suggestions). With over 40% of the respondents preferring processed fruits rather than fresh fruits (Table 5.29) and the farmers’ strong inclination towards fruits processing, they do not have the required resources both financially and technologically to do so. This is a major drawback because the government funding of farmers is still at nascent stage and most of the small farmers still depend on the local moneylenders. Technology have improved but it has not gone to the rural levels and confined to urban areas…show more content…
A similar case can be seen in Malawi where the transport infrastructure is in bad state in most parts of the country. The poor transport infrastructure renders the fruits more prone to physical damage as well as shrinkage due to exposure to harsh conditions (Kachule & Franzel, 2009). A survey by Bhardwaj et, al, (2012), reported that, the main problems in marketing apples to lack of vehicles, transport not available in time, villages not linked with metalled roads, and high transportation charges. Transportation is most important factor in the marketing of apples. Advances in transportation, in combination with other technological developments that have complemented the progress in transportation, have helped reduce delivery time, maintain product quality, and cut shipping costs (Huang…show more content…
The problem intensifies if the fruit has high moisture content, and becomes a disadvantage as these fruits are highly perishable and difficult to store in the fresh form (Roy, 2000). During the interventional study, it was found that amongst the three fruits chosen for research, Sohiong fruit had the highest shelf life of a maximum of 4-5 days depending on how mature the fruit was. Still, this can be considered as low shelf life. For the fruits like Sohshang and Sohphie, the shelf life is hardly 1-2 days under normal condition. This is due to the fact that Sohshang fruits being highly perishable have a very short shelf life (Deka, et al. 2013).Studies in Africa and Asia also highlighted the complexity in trade of fresh indigenous fruits as most of them have a very short shelf life (Awono et al.2002; Kalaba et al. 2014) and if available locally, marketing of indigenous fruit products are limited and poorly developed (Ramadhani 2002; Hughes and Haq

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