Major Changes In The 1950's

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The 1950s was known as the Eisenhower Era. It was an interesting year for all Americans. The 1950s was a peaceful and luxury decade. The economy was doing great, it was booming. There were more people living in the U.S.A. because soldiers were back from World War II. Inflation was one of the biggest issue of the 1950s. Inflation is increase of prices of goods and services in an economy. The first inflation was due to World War II. Many veterans were back home and they wanted to start families so prices of services and goods were raised to make money to build houses. The second inflation war after the Korean War. There was an inflation after that war because money was needed to pay for the military damages. With this second inflation,…show more content…
The politics of 1950s consisted of civil rights movement, Korean War, and McCarthyism. Desegregation in schools was the biggest change of the decade. The Brown vs. Board of Education case help bring a stop to segregations. Education was taken from Linda Brown by the board of education of Topeka, Kansas, because of her the color of her skin in 1950. Her father filed a lawsuit against the school board for not allowing her daughter in the school and their won the case. Due to the case, Supreme Court ruled that school segregation was unconstitutional in 1954. Ever since then segregation between colored people and whites disappeared because it was riled illegal in the United States. In 1950, the Korean War started, it was a war between North Korea and South Korea. It was capitalism against communism. The U.S. went and backed up South Korea, they sent troops and weapons to fight for South Korea. The war lasted for three years, it resulted with both sides making an agreement. Joseph McCarthy was against the idea of communism. He went against the idea because he feared that communists were taking over America. He went against Eisenhower but no one believed

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