Macroenvironment Analysis

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Table of Contents Cover Page Assignment Task Table of Contents 1.0 Introduction 1.1 Company Background 2.0 Microenvironment Analysis 2.1 Microenvironment 2.1.1 The company 2.1.2 Suppliers 2.1.3 Customers 2.1.4 Publics 3.0 Macroenvironment Analysis 3.1 Macroenvironment 3.1.1 Demographic 3.1.2 Economic 3.1.3 Technological 3.1.4 Political 4.0 Model of Buyer Behaviour 5.0 Factors influence consumer buying behavior 5.1 Buyer 5.2 Psychological 5.3 Personal 5.4 Social 5.5 Cultural 6. Recommendation 7. Conclusion 8. References 1.0 Introduction Marketing is a dynamic complex function performed by most organizations in reaching out to new and existing customers about a product or services being producer delivered by organization.…show more content…
It is a set of marketing tools that work together to satisfy customer needs and build customer relationship. Marketing environment is the actors and forces outside marketing that affect marketing management ability to build and maintains successful relationship with target consumer. The marketing environment consists of the micro and macro environment. (as shown in Diagram 1) i.Microenvironment consists of the factors closets to the company that affects its ability to serve its customers, the company, suppliers, marketing intermediaries, customer markets, competitors and public. ii.Macroenvironmental factors include social, economic, political and legal influences, together with demography and technological forces. These are sometimes referred to as the PESTLE factors and are discussed in more detail in PESTLE analysis. The organization cannot control these forces, it can only prepare for changes taking…show more content…
As a result, a marketing department works closely with the finance, purchasing, research and development, and manufacturing departments, among others, to identify ways that each department can contribute to the provision of exceptional customer value, which leads to superior customer satisfaction. 2.1.2 Suppliers A company relies on other producers and vendors for supplies and other production factors, such as labor, utilities and equipment required to produce and deliver a product to a customer. As a result, events affecting a producer or vendor also have the potential to impact customer satisfaction, whether those events impact the availability of materials, supply chain costs or product quality. A marketing department formulates its marketing strategy in light of these risk factors. 2.1.3 Customers A customer may be an individual or household, an organization that purchases a product for use in the production of other products, or an organization that purchases a product for resale at a profit. This customer factor of a marketing microenvironment can be further divided into business and institutional customers and state, city and municipal government’s customers. Marketing specialists, or marketers, develop and market messages to appeal to a company's individual customers'

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